{"id":16706,"date":"2022-08-13T15:31:12","date_gmt":"2022-08-13T15:31:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.nbanewsinsider.com\/?p=16706"},"modified":"2022-08-13T15:31:12","modified_gmt":"2022-08-13T15:31:12","slug":"sue-bird-became-the-legend-she-needed-there-was-no-real-path","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.nbanewsinsider.com\/sue-bird-became-the-legend-she-needed-there-was-no-real-path\/","title":{"rendered":"Sue Bird Became the Legend She Needed: \u2018There Was No Real Path\u2019"},"content":{"rendered":"



Sue Bird peeked upcourt as she caught the outlet pass. Her Seattle Storm teammate Natasha Howard had streaked ahead of her like a wide receiver, as she usually did whenever Bird was running the offense in transition. Howard realized that she was open beneath the basket and braced herself. Bird, she knew, would find her like always. She just didn\u2019t know how.<\/p>\n

Bird slithered into the lane, drawing a defender. Then, without looking, she whipped the ball<\/a> over her head and into Howard\u2019s awaiting palms.<\/p>\n

\u201cMy hands were always ready for Sue when she passed me the ball,\u201d said Howard, now with the Liberty. She added: \u201cThat right there, it\u2019s like: \u2018Wow, OK, Sue. You got eyes behind your head.\u2019\u201d<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Bird counts the pass among her favorite assists in her 19 seasons with the Storm. She has plenty of passes to choose from: Bird is the W.N.B.A.\u2019s career leader in assists.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n